Sofia Meador-Safont, Summer 2023 Project Companion

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In the event of a program disruption, donations of $50 or more are eligible for 50% reimbursement.

© 2020 The Quispicanchi Project is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. | EIN: 85-1198015

Hi everyone!!

My name is Sofia Meador-Safont and I am a first year student at the University of Texas at Austin. I am majoring in Nutrition with the goal of becoming a Dietitian. And I am overjoyed to be a part of the Quispicanchi Project this summer and to be able to lend a helping hand wherever one is needed.

I have been fortunate enough to grow up in a multi-cultural family. Although my mother immigrated from Spain to the United States before I was born, I still have family in Spain who I call and visit as often as I can. Knowing both Spanish and English has served me well during my life, and I know it will help me be a more effective companion this summer and forge deeper connections with the communities and families we are there to serve.

Exposure to different cultures and places has expanded my perspective of the world, a perspective which has already served me well through my adolescent and teenage years. Confronting diversity, has taught me open mindedness, respect, and humility. Open mindedness in the sense that there are many different places in the world and one is not better than the other- they’re each unique and fascinating in their own way; respect for other people’s actions and opinions because they see the world differently; and finally humility in knowing I still have so much to learn from everyone I meet and from every place I visit. 

During my stay in Peru, I will be supporting the community by interacting with the kids, helping in after school programs and working in the community kitchens. I am excited to get to know and learn from each person I cross paths with. Hopefully, I can dust off my high school soccer skills and play some "futbol" with the kids and broaden my love of cooking by learning recipes of the region. I am also convinced I will gain more than I contribute by learning from local people and growing as an individual.

My goal is to raise $3500 in order to fund my stay and work in Peru. Part of the funds also go directly to the ongoing support programs in the Quispicanchi region. It would mean the world to me if you could be a part of my support network. Your gift will provide me with new experiences and life lessons, and a deeper cultural understanding all while making tangible impacts on the lives of others. I would not be able to be a part of the Quispicanchi Program without your donation.

Thank you for joining me on this incredible journey.
